
Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Got to start somewhere...

So I'm starting here!

I could have started this 5 hours ago, what with being up at 5am and all, but with all the toast, milk and teletubbies, I had my hands full.  I have (as you might have surmised) 2 small boys: Small boy who is 3, and Smaller Boy who is almost 1.  I'm in my 30s (ahem) and in the middle of a huge career change, definitely a leap of faith for me but I've got high hopes.

I'm currently booking up activities for the summer like a crazy person; 12 months of maternity leave tells me we need a plan. I leave my job just in time for the end of the nursery term so we have 6 long weeks to get through. I'm planning on rummaging through our playroom to see what indoor (read: free) activities I can come up with too, preferably ones that will let me have 5 minutes to drink a cup of tea, slightly warm of course. Not hot, no, that would be like trying to arrange a visit from a unicorn. I'm grateful for what I can get!

Anyway, I have a well earned day to myself today so I'm spending it writing about my boys. Why is it that when we have some child free time we miss them and spend our time thinking about them? I have a dozen cupboards to tidy, a novel to read, over grown eyebrows and a list of people to get back to as long as my arm.  However, first things first - I'm going for a nap.


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